Food For Thought

So here is a prime example of when I will take the liberty of abstractly interpreting my blog theme of “food.”

Let the wheels turn...

It has been said that literature is food for the brain. While the brain does need glucose in order to work properly (ah-ha! there’s my tie-in to nutrition), I would argue that it also needs a variety of other stimulants to grow and develop. Nutrition textbooks? Yep. Nutrition-related journals? You bet. The news? Sure, why not. Poetry? Eeeeerrrr. That’s when some people might draw the line.

But let’s turn this into a metaphor (whoah, now I’m getting really literature-ish on you!). What if your go-to literature or  other brain stimulants of choice (nothing illegal, here, folks)  were like your regular diet? Your normal breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Nothing out of the ordinary. Good-for-you, necessary fuel. But don’t you like to mix it up every once in a while? Throw in a different cuisine, try a new dish, experiment with spices? So why not let poetry be like that different cuisine? It’s still literature (e.g. Indian food is still food), but it’s just of a different variety…

So my metaphor might be a stretch or it might just not make any sense at all, but all this is to say that you should check out my sister’s blog about the magazine she helps publish. And similar to buying Jan’s Farmhouse Crisps, you should subscribe immediately. Who knows- You might discover the next  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in there!

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