Until We Meet Again

“Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” – Socrates

While I would say this quote is a bit melodramatic for my situation right now – mostly because I’m busy with outstandingly awesome things (though it does fit well with a blog post my sister wrote a while back), life has been a bit hectic for me lately. In fact, it has been moving fast as lightening since I moved back from Boston – which was already a month and a half ago! I hate to put on the “Woe is me, I’m soooooooo busy” cap because I know everyone else is super busy too. But, sometimes you just feel so completely overwhelmed by your busy-ness that you just kind of want to wallow in it for an evening and then wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the next day. Oh, wait. That is me EVERY night right now…

But, as I said, I’m busy because of some pretty amazing things, so I really shouldn’t complain. Indulge me for a second while I display my “To-Do” list:

  • Studying – I am studying for the Registration Examination which I take next Thursday. If I pass (or, should I say, WHEN I pass), I can finally dub myself a Registered Dietitian! This is a goal I have been striving for for 6 years. To say I’m excited to pass this test is an understatement.
  • WEDDING PLANNING! The devil is in the details, and with only 2.5 weeks to go until Jared’s and my upcoming nuptials, you could say that I’m best friends with the devil right now. So many little things to think about that you never knew you had to think about! But I have a stellar team of Mom, Aunt, Sister/MOH Extraordinnaire, and Future Mother-in-Law that are helping me make my way to the Big Day with some semblance of sanity. Good thing Jared works out of town during the week, or I’m pretty sure he would not want to marry me after some of the break downs I’ve had lately…But Mom, you can’t get rid of me as your daughter. So, thanks for putting up with me 🙂 Love you!
  • Moving – With getting married comes moving. I’m super pumped to move in with my roommate for life (I like cleanliness and order, Jared, I promise!), and we are also renting a really great 2 bedroom house in Fairway – the most charming neighborhood of my dreams. We’ve made great strides in getting the place in order and have even had our first house guests! But we still have a ways to go…
  • Job Searching – I’ve had several interviews, but searching and applying for jobs as well as preparing for the interview is like a full time job in and of itself! I’m very excited about all of the prospects. True Story: Just this morning, the Time Warner Cable guy asked me if I was “home sick from school.” To which I responded, “No, sir, just unemployed.”

All this is to say that I’m going to take a little hiatus from blogging until things calm down for a bit and at least until I get back from HAWAII!! I know we will miss each other, but the good news is (and just to tie in to the food aspect of the blog) the food at our wedding will be UH-MAZING! So if you leave hungry, that’s your own fault.

See you at the altar, toots.

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